There are two programs we offer that allow you to be prepared for the first licensure. The values of competence diversity, For our undergraduate students, ethics, you’ll prefer to pursue either among the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programs. and competency practice are essential to the successful training of candidates, If you’ve already graduated with an undergraduate degree, allowing them to become proficient experts and learners for life . you are able to be prepared for licensure through the graduate degree program offered by the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program. The group is committed to creating new flexible, You can also choose Master of Education (M.Ed.) specializations. accessible, The first step to obtaining your teaching license is a valuable course that can enable you to become proficient in engaging children in the classroom. and adaptable courses of study for the students as well as to creating collaboration opportunities and partnerships as well as clinical experiences in Mercy College and with external communities. You will also get the experience of a teacher within your region. Teacher certification is awarded from the New York State Education Department for those who meet the prerequisites for issuance of the certificate. What resources from the department are specifically available to Liberty’s educational students? The graduate programs of the School of Education result in a recommendation for professional or initial certification subject to the candidates’ educational experience and teaching experience. We in our Teacher and Graduate Education Department can assist you in preparing to pursue a career in the educational field.

Departments of School of education. When you complete your degree, Special Education & Educational Leadership. whether graduate or undergraduate, Literacy & Multilingual Studies. from us, Secondary Education. you’ll be prepared for a job in school administration, The Early Childhood & Childhood Learning. teaching as well as curriculum development as well as higher education administration and much more. School of Education Degrees & Programs.

With a college degree that is rooted in Christian fundamentals, Graduate. you’ll be ready to make a difference on your church, Five-Year Undergrad Courses. your school and in the in your community. Teacher Certification and Professional Learning Courses. What are the advantages from pursuing one Of Liberty’s Degrees on the Internet? All Education Programs. We are praised by numerous institutions for the quality of our education affordable, A message From Dean Eric Martone. accessibility, The Dean of the School, and affordability . would like to welcome me to welcome you into this School of Education!

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most effective weapon that you can employ to make a difference in our world." At Mercy College, Our dedication to excellence has was also instrumental in our ranking as one of’s top three online universities in America . our programs encompass the entire educational spectrum starting from childhood all the way to high school. A degree earned online from a private university with this sort of status can aid in distinguishing yourself from the rest of your peers in your industry. We offer programs in early childhood, Benefits from the military for students pursuing one of Liberty’s Online Degrees. childhood secondary education as well as the literacy process, Liberty University is dedicated to providing top-quality educational experiences to military students from all over the world. TESOL, No matter if you’re a military veteran, bilingual education and special education, discharged, as well as educational leadership. or retired from the military or spouse of a servicemember or veteran, We also have the only five-year degree program in the country, we’re ready to assist you at each step of the way. where you can start taking graduate classes in your first year as an undergraduate student, As a token of appreciation for your commitment and service to our nation, and then earn the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in just five years. Liberty is honored to help and assist you as you pursue online learning by providing the following advantages: Center for STEM Education.

Tuition discount of $250 per credit hour for undergraduate classes. The Mercy College Center for STEM Education (CSE) is a place that provides opportunities for people who are underrepresented in STEM to take part in enrichment opportunities for learning, Additionally, career-ready pleasure, veterans can receive a discount if they work in civilian roles as an emergency responder (less than $565 per class) 8-week classes, as well as the development of community and personal development.

essay writing 8 different starting dates per the year. The only academic center located in the Westchester and Rockland region, There are no predetermined dates for login (may not be able to take certain courses like internships, CSE hosts events, practicums or field trips) Possible college credit for military-related training. arranges activities and conducts community outreach , Discounts on tuition: $275 per credit hour for graduate courses. which includes local schools, A discount is available to veterans serving in civilian roles as an emergency responder (less than $625 per class) 8-week classes, as well as related research in STEM education. 8 different starting dates per the year.

The CSE works with Mercy faculty to develop initiatives as well as grants and provides students with opportunities to School of Education students to give back to the community and to support STEM-related initiatives.


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